Rug Braiding

In-progress photo of braided rug in white, red, and pink fabrics. Blue shapes swoop at top and bottom of image with white text at bottom reading 'rug braiding'
In-progress photo of braided rug in white, red, and pink fabrics. Blue shapes swoop at top and bottom of image with white text at bottom reading 'rug braiding'

Rug Braiding


Saturday, November 2nd 9 am-12 pm


Instructor: Lauren

This rug braiding technique is versatile, sustainable and gorgeous. Braiding as you go, this method uses scraps of fabric to develop a durable rug for your home. This class will cover skills needed to make a circle or oval rug, how to select fabric and preparation, and possible striping variations.

Accessibility: Fine motor skills will be utilized throughout, with seating or standing options. All materials will be included. However, if you would like to "shop" your home before attending, our pre-class email will give provide details to consider.

Masking required in class, additional masks will be available.

If you would like to request a community-funded seat to support in covering the cost of this class, please email us at

This activity is supported by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

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