Enrichment Programming


Whether you are 5 or 103 years old, we believe arts programming deeply enriches our lives. Bringing our services to where participants already are helps fulfill our goal of expanding access to arts education.

Curiosity Studio works with community partners such as schools, libraries, and care facilities to provide ongoing arts programming. Frequency can range from weekly to monthly recurrences.

Reach out if you would like to invite us into your community!

Examples of Community Partnerships:

East Lake Library

Our Teen Open Studio program is hosted by Hennepin County Library as a way to meet youth where they are already seeking services and provide arts programming.

Martin luther Care

Curiosity Studio provides programming at two Martin Luther Care facilities with the goal of bringing arts enrichment services to residents.

Minneapolis Community Education

In partnership with Minneapolis Public Schools’ Community Education, we provide weekly after school programming to over 100 students at 4 elementary schools in the Twin Cities. Our curriculum encourages students to experiment with a wide range of art materials as a way to play with color, moods, stories and senses.